Important Skills Required for Customer Service Representative Jobs

Skills required for customer service representatives are technical, 5-star, and hard skills, some of which will be relevant to your career for a lifetime. Customer service skills can be difficult to obtain. Skills like empathy are the most important skills in the customer service industry. In this article, we’ll give you descriptions of all the customer service skills you need to land your first job.

Customer service skills job description


Customers will always have one complaint or the other. While some will come face-to-face to lay out their complaints, others would prefer to call on the phone to lay out their complaint or recommend areas where the company needs to improve. How you relate with your customers is important because good customer service helps grow a brand name. Here are the customer service skills descriptions;

Always put on a smiling face

There is a saying that a smile can be heard on the phone and that’s a fact. A smile can boost your mood and also put you in a positive frame of mind as you communicate with the customer even when you’re tired

Acknowledge the customer’s problem

There’s a saying that “a customer is always right” When a customer calls on the phone or physically approaches you with a question or complaint, the first thing you have to do is acknowledge their concern. Make them understand that you truly care by saying you’re so sorry about whatever complaint they came up with.

Call the Customer by his name

mentioning the customer’s name at least twice during the conversation will make the customer feel at home. Call his/her name while welcoming him/her, while apologizing, and while saying goodbye. Make sure you don’t overboard it.

Offer alternatives

If you can’t do what the customer wants, you have to offer alternatives to the customer. Make him understand that there are other recommended ways he can get the problem solved. Customers like it when you solve whatever problems they come up with.

Use Positive words

Instead of “I regret to inform you…” or “Unfortunately….”, always positively phrase your objectives. Make them feel you have the capacity to solve the problem.  “I’m sorry, I’ll do everything to solve this problem… ” or “May I suggest an effective alternative that’ll bring a long-lasting solution to this…”

Listening Skills

Never get distracted when communicating with customers. The customer might think you are taking him for granted. You can jot down important points as the customer lays out his complaints, after which you can ask follow-up questions to fully get all the details you need. To make customers happy that you’re listening to them, especially over the phone, you must give verbal nods like “Hmm.., “Okay..”, “Yeah…”

Repeat to clarify/summarise

To make sure you got everything the customer said correctly, it’s advisable to summarise what he said. “If I heard you correctly, you said………….” This is very important if you are in problem-solving mode. Always ensure you bring out an innovative solution to a customer’s problem.

Be Genuine and Mean What you say

When you tell a customer you’re sorry, you should mean every word and your voice should also show you’re sorry. Don’t say you’re sorry while your voice says otherwise.

Educate the customer

Educate the customer on certain things that need to be done so that they can follow the processes without bothering you. When customers are informed about specific processes, they will wait patiently.

Each call is an opportunity

Use each call as an opportunity to win customer loyalty and trust. Just one easygoing call to the customer and you’ll win him/her.

Be patient

Dealing with customers requires a lot of patience. The ability to be patient with every customer is a good virtue every customer service representative needs to possess. When a customer is angry, the best thing you have to do is to remain calm and be patient.

5-star customer service skills

No matter the customer service skills you may learn, inherent qualities such as temperament and personality are very important. If you don’t have those two skills (temperament and personality), you have no business doing customer service jobs.


Empathy is one of the first and most important 5-star customer service skills. Every business needs customers to survive. If you show your customers that you truly care about them, then be rest assured that they’ll continue to patronize you. If you fail to treat your customers right, then your competitors will capitalize on your weakness and lure them away from you.

Communication Skills

Communication skills don’t only include the ability to speak effectively to customers and express expressions clearly with boldness to customers, but also your ability to listen to customers. I think this is where empathy plays a role. If you have empathy, you’ll be willing to listen to customers. Also, you can go the extra mile to help customers once you have empathy.


You must have the eagerness to do the job. You have to make the customer feel that the specialist he’s dealing with has a strong belief in whatever he says and recommends to them.


As a customer service representative, you have to deploy professionalism in dealing with customers. Always learn to improve your skills.

Negotiation skills and the ability to resolve conflicts

You need to have good negotiation skills with clients. If you don’t have negotiation skills, then be ready to keep always losing clients. Always find a way to reach an agreement with the customer. To be honest, it is not easy at all. You need a bit of diplomacy when dealing with customers.

Hard skills for customer service resume

You may think a customer service representative job is easy until you go into it. It requires time, good training, and constant practice. Providing good customer service to your customers is very important as it can help create brand awareness.

Customer service representatives are always the first face of any company. So you need to have the following skills:

  1. Patience
    Patience is important when dealing with irate, frustrated, and angry customers. When a customer is very angry and probably begins to abuse you, you shouldn’t get angry because the customer is not angry because of you personally but the company.
  2. Effective listening
    Any customer that calls customer support, has a reason he’s calling and desires to be heard and addressed. Good listening skills will let you handle customer requests very well. You must have empathy towards the customer to effectively handle the situation.
  3. Communication skills
    Great communication skills are key to having good customer service. You’ll be able to answer customer questions. Other hard customer service skills include;
  • Patience
  • Responsible
  • Dedication
  • Positivity
  • Answer Smoothly
  • Smile
  • Positivity
  • Attentive
  • Extra Attentive

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Technical skills for customer service

Customer service is the foundation and carrier of every business. Business success relies on your customer service skills Below are the top technical skills for customer service qualities:-

  • Empathy
  • Communication skills
  • Product knowledge
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Patience
  • Positive attitude
  • Positive language
  • Listening skills
  • A willingness to go the extra mile
  • Personal responsibility
  • Confidence
  • Authenticity
  • Attentiveness
  • Desire to learn
  • Professionalism
  • Acting ability
  • The ability to respond quickly
  • Time management skills

Skills Required for Customer Service Relevant to Your Career

There is nothing you’ll learn in customer service that’ll not be used in your daily life afterward. The job is mainly engaging in communication with people.


You need to have the ability to always look on the other side and see things from a different perspective. There is no how you won’t encounter jerks during your service as a customer care representative. People will also talk to you with anger and frustration. Considering things from their perspective will make the customers much easier to deal with.

  • Patience
  • Good writing skills
  • Ability to read with understanding
  • Ability to handle surprises

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